Welcome to web presentation of Daniel Klíma
I am Daniel Klíma and I can offer my services in:
- programming
- main language C/C++
- vectorization (SSEx, AVX 1,2 and 512)
- porting (Unix -> Windows)
- Java
- IT
- networking
- OS (main: Windows)
- databases (MS-SQL)
- testing of software
- can be done on various configurations
- old systems from 486 and Pentium to Pentium 4
- early modern systems like Core 2 based
- modern systems from Sandy Bridge/Nehalem to Skylake-X
- performance analysis
- compatibility verification and debugging
- Transfer of data from old media:
- 3,5' diskettes
- 100MB and 250MB ZIP
- PATA harddrives
- various flash cards
I have currently published one Open Source project: Rewrite of noise filtering plugin for Avisynth 2 FFT3DFilter.
For contact: danklima@gmail.com